Workplace Wellness

Customizable wellness consultations, B2B series, and keynotes for our corporate and government partners. Programming centered around the employee experience and achieving a sense of well-being. Virtual and Social Distance options available.

BENEFITS: Reduce workplace stress, improve communication between leadership and coworkers, increase mental clarity and focus.

WHO IS THIS FOR: Corporate partners, leadership teams, employees, community organizations, and groups.

Please contact for base and custom pricing

  • Consult with us to learn how to improve the overall well-being of your leadership teams, employees, student population, communities.

  • We create wellness curriculum for our corporate clients and non-profit partners.

  • We bring the full experience right to your organization. We work virtually and maintain social distance with our in-person offerings.


Mindful Mental Wellness

Introduce wellness practices to your team to help reduce stress, anxiety, and conflict. Create a healthy environment for everyone to thrive in. Boost morale and mental wellness.